Where we are now

The programme started when we were asked in 2016 to help with micro-business education.  We spend 18 months preparing and, importantly, carrying out research into the needs that we could help to address and the cultural and social context within which we would work.  In 2018 and 2019 (stage 1, see below) we delivered four workshop-based programmes.  Stages 2 and 3 continue over the period 2020 – 2025, with the full programme content planned.

Our initial focus is in the village of Gunjur.  As the programme unfolds we plan to train local trainers and hand over the programme to them in 2024/5, when the programme will be rolled out to other rural areas of The Gambia.

A local programme manager and a project officer have been employed to manage logistics and programme elements on the ground.


We plan to deliver a minimum of two, and up to three, micro-business training workshops per year with up to 30 participants on each.  The workshops are currently delivered at a local compound – ‘The Gunjur Project’, with logistical support from the registered charity, ‘The Gunjur Project Association.

We emphasise inclusivity and fair representation of the community on the programme with an open welcome to different religious groups, tribal affiliations, gender, educational background, disability and other marginalised groups.

Strategic Aims and Milestones

BE REEL’s strategic plan covers three distinct stages and is designed to allow continuous monitoring and evaluation for changing and improving the programme iteratively. Measurements of outputs and outcomes are reviewed 6 monthly and annually. Whilst doing this, the underpinning purpose and organisational values will remain consistent.

Stage one of the programme, pilot activities, 2018 – 2019/20

Presentation of the programme workshop and assessment of: 

·      the content of the training

·      the selection process and criteria to ensure it addresses gender, disability and other vulnerable persons ability to be included

·      the administrative processes for their feasibility

·      the use of local facilitators with a view to developing train the trainer programmes for the longer-term project

·      the feasibility for future funding of the programme.

Stage 1 continued into 2020, but on-the-ground development activities were postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Background planning continued.

Stage two of the programme, 2021 – 2022.  

  • Opening of BE REEL Gambia charity and office.

  • Delivery of workshops, networking, mentoring, on-going monthly development events and support.

  • Introduction of a Micro-Loans Scheme.

  • Continued evaluation and development of all aspects of the programme content and management.

Stage three of the programme, 2023 – 2025.  

  • Full project will be operational across the Gunjur catchment area.

  • Increase the number of trained trainers from Gunjur and other parts of rural Gambia.

  • Establish a BE REEL network of provision to be rolled out across other rural communities in The Gambia, aligning with Gambia’s National Strategy

Fitting with Gambia’s National Strategy

We have designed the BE REEL micro business development programme to integrate with, and support the Gambian Government’s strategy for national development outlined in their ‘Strategic Youth and Trade Development Roadmap of The Gambia (2018 – 2022)’