What a year it was in 2020 but now for 2021

As you have seen much of our programme had to be put on hold due to travel restrictions imposed by COVID-19. But our work has continued behind the scenes and we are really hopeful for 2021. We are delighted to announce that we have now received funding for our primary training and support programme from UK Aid from the UK Government. This funding is for two years and will see us progress our programme in line with Stage 2 of our strategic plan. We have also received a grant from Saint James Place Foundation specifically to address some of the extra expenses which will occur due to running the programme during the COVID pandemic.

So what does this mean? Well… We have set up BE REEL as a charity in the Gambia, we are setting up our new office space on the Red Road in Kajabang, Gunjur and we have employed our first two members of staff. Our Programme Manager (Buba) and Project Officer (Lamin) will be visiting all our past participants to see how their businesses have been affected during the COVID period. With this information they, and us in the UK, will be putting together the training and support programme to take us forward.

We still can’t fly to the Gambia, but that will change soon so it will not be long now before our postponed workshops can get back on track. Meantime we will be using other means of digital communication to enhance training opportunities.

Nikki & Trevor